Applications of BBa_K5293016
Validating the NSs RNA silencing suppressor protein
One of the most important features of the pHREAC vector collection backbone is the NSs RNA silencing suppressor protein sequence. This component enables higher expression levels in engineered plants by defying their immune system and increasing the success rate of the Agrobacterium transformation. In the initial phases of our research, we were taking advantage of this interesting feature of the original pHREAC plasmid, which contained the NSs protein gene, by co-infiltration in our agroinfiltration media containing our localization-targeting plasmid. In an effort to reduce complexity and steps in our protocol, we searched for a system in which a single plasmid contained both the localization tags as well as transgenic silencing inhibition. As no such thing exists or is easily findable, we set out to build our own library of plasmids: our very own pHREAC vector collection - containing all the necessary features for biofarming.
Using a preliminary version of the chloroplast-localized pHREAC vector (BBa_K5293016), we compared the difference in expression of His-mScarlet-TEV-Semaglutide (BBa_K5293005) with the pCLGGx one. As shown in Figure 1 and 2, the band intensities suggest higher levels of expression with the preliminary pHREAC vector containing the NSs protein gene compared to the pCLGGx that does not.
Figure 1. Anti-His Western blot analysis of crude extract lysates from N. benth. leaves engineered through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to express His-mScarlet-TEV-Semaglutide (BBa_K5293005) in pCLGGx, co-infiltrated with the original pHREAC.
Figure 2. Western blot analysis of crude extract lysates from N. benth. leaves engineered through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to express His-mScarlet-TEV-Semaglutide (BBa_K5293005) in a similar version of the pHREAC vectors (BBa_K5293016)
Validating the localization tags in pCLGGX with confocal fluorescence microscopy (His-mScarlet-TEV-Semaglutide)
We validated the efficient targeting of the RUBISCO sequence for chloroplast compartmentalization with confocal fluorescence microscopy. Although the proper targeting investigation was performed with the pCLGGx vectors, this result still provides evidence of the proper targeting of the RUBISCO sequence.
Figure 1. Confocal Microscopy of Nicotiana benthamiana pavement cells five days post-Agrobacterium-mediated transformation expressing the fusion protein His-mScarlet-TEV-Semaglutide in pCLGGx localized to the chloroplast All constructs were co-infiltrated with the pHREAC backbone for its suppressor of silencing feature. Each set of images contains the visualized autofluorescence of chlorophyll, mScarlet, a brightfield image, and a merged image (from left to right). The scale bars in all the images demonstrate 30 um. Samples were loaded with nanopure water. Images were captured with a Zeiss LSM 880 AxioObserver Microscope, loaded with a C-Apochromat 40x/1.2 W objective.
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